Monday, December 8, 2008


Several of the tracks I've visited use karts from Sodikart. I was looking at their site today and found the RX7 Max (pictured) which is available with a 125cc 28HP engine. That thing would be awesome to drive at some of these tracks. I've never seen anything more than 9HP, so these must be used mostly outdoors.


Unknown said...

I've driven a 13hp 4-stroke kart at Maine Indoor Karting and unless you change the gearing it really didn't work well. I couldn't imagine a 28hp 4-stroke, there's no way it would have enough running room to get anywhere near top speed.

SLP_Racing said...

I'm sure that space is the reason I've never seen any indoor track offering more than the 9hp karts. I found an outdoor place near Denver that advertises 80mph shifter karts, but I haven't been back since the weather warmed up to try them.

Thanks for leaving the first comment!